New Haven Ministries

Non-Profit Organization
- 115 SW 3rd Street Box D Mineral Wells TX 76067
- (940) 325-5654
- (940) 325-7355
- Visit New Haven On Line
Office: 9:00 am-3:00 pm Mon.- Sat.
Food given out: 10:00 am-3:00 pm Tues. and Fri. (summer hours)
Driving Directions:
One block south of Post Office
1/2 block West of Hwy. 281 South on SW 3rd Street
About Us
New Haven Ministries is a 501 (c)(3) public supported charity that has served the needy in Palo Pinto county since 1986.
We provide food through our food bank New Haven Helping Hands. We can not get families better jobs or an increase in salary at their present job, but we can increase their quality of life by providing them with $200.00 retail value of food each month. This would be equal to a $200.00 per month raise. We have two freight liners that pick up 10 supermarkets in the Forth Worth area and bring back here to Mineral Wells approximately 74,000 pounds of food per month to distribute to needy families. They must fill out application and provide proof of income, residence, and number in family each 6 months to qualify.
We have a mobile food bank that on the third Saturday of each month goes to the City Hall in Mingus to distribute food to families in Gordon, Mingus and Strawn that can not come in to Mineral Wells we have done this for 15 years. We have a mobile food bank that on the fourth Saturday of each month goes to Graford and sets up to serve those in the northern part of our county that can not come to Mineral Wells, we have been going there for about 14 years.
There is also home bound delivery on the third Tuesday to the elderly and disabled that can not come to Helping Hands down town. We have done this for about 10 years.
We also have Senior Serve day for the senior and disabled. Free produce on the second Wednesday of each month. This is our busiest day as we average over 200 families totaling 300+ people in just 4 hours that day. Began in 2015.