Preparing for Birth- Childbirth Education Course

Preparing for Birth is a six week childbirth education course where we will dive into everything you need to know about picking where you want to birth, which provider is best for the type of birth you want, birth doula support, your growing baby, coping techniques, pain management during labor both medical and holistic, the different stages of labor and so much more. My goal as a certified instructor is to give evidence based facts so you can leave feeling confident to make informed decisions about your pregnancy, labor, and postpartum care. With this course you will also receive my “Prepared Feeding Course",” which is a series of video podcasts that you can access after your birth. Whether you plan to breastfeed or formula feed, the course will teach you how much your baby should be eating, what you pump is not how much your are producing, feeding holds, and much more. Come learn and meet other families on the same journey as you.
Whats included with the Course:
- Course Journal
- 6wks of comprehensive Preparing for Birth classes
- Prepared Feeding Course (video podcasts)
Here are a few topics we will cover in class:
Expectations vs reality
How your uterus and cervix work together
Communicating with your provider (questions to ask at your prenatal appointments)
Stages of labor
Coping techniques (unmedicated, nitrous oxide, narcotics, epidural, etc)
Labor and birth positions
and much much more.
Course Fee: $300.00
Visit my contact page to register. Please indicate you are interested in the 6wk course beginning in March. (Payment is due at registration. Clients must be registered a week before classes begin)

Date and Time
Thursday Mar 2, 2023
6:00 PM - 8:00 PM CST
Begins: March 2, 2023
Ends: April 6, 2023
Course fee: $300
Contact Information
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